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Nodes are building blocks/individual units of computation wired together to form a workflow - a DAG of processes.

Concept of nodes on a whitepaper

Nodes interconnected to form a workflow

Nodes Library

Trickest platform provides several types of ready-to-go nodes to be used in workflows:

  • Tools - most advanced ready-to-go community tools,
  • Scripts - advanced ready-to-go customizable bash scripts made by Trickest,
  • Splitter - util node for executing a specific set of connected nodes within a workflow multiple times in batches, in parallel.
All ready-to-go nodes, available to be used in workflows, can be found in Nodes Library, accessible on both [Trickest Library page](trickest-ui/library-page/) and Workflow Builder page.

Node I/O and connections

Nodes are automated actions with the purpose of performing specific tasks consuming data (inputs), and producing data (outputs).

Concept of node structure on a whitepaper with inputs and output

Node structure

Nodes can be interconnected via data dependencies defined between their inputs and outputs. Data is passed from one node's output to another node's input.


Each node has a predefined set of inputs that vary from node to node. At least one input needs to be set. The value of an input can be passed from the output of another node or stubbed (hardcoded).

Inputs have a few important properties:

  • They are named.
  • They are typed. Several types are provided:
StringString input's value is a simple text value (e.g. value for --domain input of amass tool node).
BooleanBoolean input is also known as a flag in the hacking community. Value is true for activating given behavior.


File input's value can be either file uploaded to Trickest Platform,
or URL of the publicly available file (e.g.
FolderFolder input's value is URL of publicly available GIT repository.


Output is the result of a node execution, ready to be downloaded or used as an input of other nodes.

Two types of output are provided - file and folder. The type of output that is produced, is determined by the logic of the node itself.

FileBy default, output is output.txt file on out/output.txt path.
FolderBy default, output is a folder on out/ path containing output.txt file.


Nodes are interconnected via data dependencies defined between their inputs and outputs. Data is passed from one node's output to another node's input.