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OSINT Automation

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OSINT Automation

Welcome to the ultimate guide on OSINT automation, where the expanding digital infrastructure demands an ever-increasing role for Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT). Aimed at security engineers, Red and Purple Teams, SecOps professionals, and bug bounty hunters, this resource is your introduction to revolutionizing information gathering through automation. As we delve into the world of OSINT, this guide will reveal the tools, frameworks, and techniques that empower professionals to harness publicly available information efficiently. With a special focus on Trickest—an offensive security orchestration platform easily used for enhancing OSINT processes—this guide stands for those ready to improve their intelligence efforts and secure market advantage.

What is OSINT

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) represents the practice of harnessing data freely available to the public to collect, analyze, and make informed decisions. It spans many information sources, including news media, social media platforms, public government data, and more. Security professionals rely on OSINT as an essential tool to gather actionable intelligence, monitor potential threats, and maintain a strategic advantage over cyber threats.

Understanding the full scope of OSINT is crucial before moving into its automation. At its core, OSINT involves the systematic gathering and scrutiny of publicly accessible data from diverse sources to extract valuable insights critical for investigations and informed decision-making. OSINT techniques and tools empower security engineers with the ability to detect potential threats and vulnerabilities through the examination of available digital footprints.

The analysis process integrates techniques like social media examination, data mining, and web scraping, allowing security teams to discover concealed patterns and identify overlooking risks effectively. Given the expansive and complex nature of online data, automation emerges as a transformative force in OSINT, significantly enhancing the efficiency and scope of intelligence-gathering operations.

Enhancing Security Strategies with OSINT Techniques

In offensive cybersecurity, OSINT techniques provide an invaluable advantage. By leveraging diverse data sources, security teams can uncover hidden connections, identify potential vulnerabilities, and anticipate security incidents before they occur. This section focuses on the various OSINT techniques that can boost a team's defensive tactics and thus enhance overall security strategy.

Social Media Analysis: Monitoring social media platforms is a crucial OSINT technique. Security teams can gather valuable information about potential threats or malicious activities by analyzing public posts, profiles, and interactions. Social media analysis can reveal connections between individuals, expose insider threats, and provide insights into a target's behavior or intentions.

Data Mining: is the process of pulling meaningful patterns and insights from large datasets. By using data mining techniques, security teams can filter through big amounts of information to discover hidden associations and identify potential risks. This technique can uncover cyber attack patterns, discover compromise indicators, and detect threats by analyzing data sources such as network traffic, log files, and system logs.

Web Scraping: implicates automatically extracting data from websites. By scraping relevant websites, security teams can monitor forums, blogs, news portals, and other online platforms to gather intelligence related to potential security incidents or vulnerabilities. Web scraping enables quick access to up-to-date information, helping security teams stay informed and respond proactively to emerging threats.

Network Mapping: involves visualizing and understanding connections between entities, such as IPs, domains, and orgs. By mapping networks, security teams can identify potential attack vectors, reveal hidden infrastructure, and gain insights into the structure of threat actors' operations. Network mapping allows security teams to proactively defend against cyber attacks by understanding how malicious actors move within their networks.

Metadata Analysis: Metadata is information about data, such as the time, location, and device used to create or transmit it. Analyzing metadata can provide valuable insights into data's origin, authenticity, and integrity. Security teams can leverage metadata analysis to verify the sources of information, identify potential data manipulations or forgeries, and trace the pathways of data flow within a network.

Image and Video Analysis: Image and video analysis techniques enable security teams to extract information from multimedia content. Analysis can include identifying objects or people within images, analyzing metadata associated with media files, or detecting tampered or manipulated content. Image and video analysis can aid in identifying potential threats shared through visual media and can help uncover hidden messages or malicious intents.

By incorporating these OSINT techniques into their security strategies, teams can enhance their defensive capabilities, gather actionable intelligence, and gain a comprehensive understanding of potential risks and threats. OSINT automation tools like Trickest simplify the application of these techniques, using the best open-source tools in parallel, hyper scalable, enabling security professionals to efficiently gather and analyze information from diverse sources while always staying ahead of cyber adversaries.

OSINT Automation with Trickest

Trickest's Offensive Security Orchestration Platform brings a transformative approach to OSINT automation. With a broad suite of open-source tools and scripts, Trickest enables security engineers to:

  • Automate the Collection and Analysis of Open-Source Intelligence: With outstanding efficiency, integrating advanced OSINT tools into Trickest's framework empowers professionals to conduct in-depth investigations and extract valuable results in the fastest possible way.
  • Effortlessly Orchestrate Complex OSINT Workflows: Eliminate the need for challenging coding or manual data assembly, simplifying the intelligence-gathering process.
  • Visual Workflow Builder: Simplifies the creation of custom methodologies, allowing users to drag and drop and connect tool and script elements for a tailored OSINT gathering experience.
  • Access to Open-Source Tools Library: Offers over 300 open-source security tools, equipping users with the resources necessary for extensive OSINT automation.
  • Editable Workflow Templates: Whether for Attack Surface Management, Threat Hunting, or Vulnerability Detection, these workflows provide a quick and reliable means to enhance security intelligence operations, and are all editable in the visual workflow builder.
  • Scalability and Collaboration: Ensures scalability and collaboration in OSINT automation. Its hyper-scalable infrastructure handles big digital landscapes effortlessly, supporting large-scale investigations without extensive manual labor. Collaborative features allow teams to share workflows and findings, encouraging a unified approach to security intelligence.

Trickest stands out as a premier solution for OSINT automation, offering a seamless, scalable, and collaborative environment for security professionals. Its precise ability to execute complex intelligence tasks makes it an invaluable tool in modern offensive cybersecurity. With the following pre-built workflows, we will explore their elements, each tailored to meet the diverse needs of today's cybersecurity challenges.

OSINT Workflows

With Trickest, engineers can build, manage, orchestrate, and execute custom OSINT workflows for continuous automated Adversarial Testing. They enable practitioners to gather extensive information about their targets using many publicly available data sources. These workflows are designed to be intuitive, ensuring that even the most complex data aggregation tasks are simplified for the user in the Visual Workflow Builder. The Builder replaces traditional terminal-based operations with simple, low-code steps. Here are some you can run immediately:

Extensive OSINT

Map digital footprints with ease. Effortlessly gather a wealth of information including IP addresses, uncover open ports, and identify vulnerabilities. Dive deeper into the technological frameworks in use, scrutinize DNS records, and uncover related domains. With this workflow, you can also detect lookalike domains that pose potential risks, extract valuable documents, identify email addresses, and pinpoint user accounts.

Screenshot of Extensive OSINT workflow in Trickest Platform

OSINT - List of Users

This workflow specializes in aggregating detailed user profiles. It is designed to meticulously collect social media accounts, uncover GitHub repositories, and extract GitHub gists associated with a list of users. This comprehensive approach to user profile collection is invaluable for security engineers aiming to construct detailed profiles of potential threat actors or collaborators. Whether tracking a suspicious user's digital footprints or piecing together a key individual's online presence, OSINT - List of Users equips you with the necessary tools to achieve thorough and efficient data grouping.

Screenshot of List of OSINT Users workflow in Trickest Platform

Check out our report of nearly 15TB of GitHub logs for open-source intelligence (OSINT). Our analysis unveils GitHub secrets, highlights key findings about users, repositories, and valuable implications for cybersecurity. Learn how to do it by yourself!

OSINT Open-Source Tools

The Trickest Library is a testament to the power of open-source tools in OSINT. With a diverse array of tools and scripts at their disposal, security professionals can tailor their investigative efforts to meet specific intelligence requirements. This section introduces some of the standout open-source tools available in the Trickest Library, essential elements for effective OSINT automation.


Pymeta is a tool designed for metadata extraction from various file types found on a domain, including PDFs, Excel sheets, Word documents, and more. It automates the process of identifying, downloading, and extracting critical metadata, offering insights into domain structures, software details, and user information. This Python3-based tool, an evolution of PowerMeta, efficiently generates comprehensive reports from extracted data.


CrossLinked specializes in gathering employee information from organizations via LinkedIn, employing search engine scraping to obtain valid names. It achieves this without needing LinkedIn API keys or credentials, providing an efficient method for LinkedIn data enumeration.


This Go-based tool is trained at scouring GitHub for subdomains associated with a specified domain. It parses GitHub search results to identify and list subdomains, making it a valuable resource for domain research and OSINT.


Targeted for email OSINT and breach hunting, h8mail utilizes various breach and reconnaissance services to track down email-related data breaches. It's compatible with local breach databases, providing a thorough search capability for email security analysis.


Uncover leverages the APIs of renowned search engines for rapid discovery of exposed hosts on the internet. Built with a focus on automation, it integrates smoothly with existing pipelines, making it a handy tool for quick host exposure assessment.


Is it Legal to Use OSINT?

Yes, using Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) is entirely legal as it involves gathering information from publicly accessible sources. OSINT methodologies do not access private or confidential data within an organization's database. Instead, they focus on publicly available data, such as information found on websites, social media platforms, public government records, and more. This public nature of the data ensures that OSINT practices comply with legal standards.

What is OSINT Technology?

Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) technology refers to the methods and tools used to collect, analyze, and interpret data from publicly available sources. The aim is to produce intelligence that addresses specific questions or concerns. OSINT technology encompasses a wide range of practices including web scraping, social media analysis, and data mining, all aimed at extracting valuable information from public domains to aid in decision-making and strategic planning.

Which Tool is Used for OSINT?

Several open-sourced tools are used for OSINT, each with its unique capabilities. SpiderFoot, for instance, is widely recognized for its efficiency in asset discovery and attack surface monitoring, making it a favorite among cybersecurity professionals. Other notable tools include pymeta for metadata extraction, CrossLinked for LinkedIn data enumeration, and uncover for discovering exposed hosts via search engine APIs. Each tool offers specialized functionalities that cater to various aspects of OSINT, enhancing the efficiency of intelligence gathering and analysis.


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Carlos Polop Martin

Carlos Polop

Cloud Pentesting Team Leader

Doing security research with Trickest is just simpler and faster. I can focus on creating workflows, analyzing the results, and forget about installation and infrastructure problems.
