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This tool can be used for solving following use cases:

  1. Subdomain bruteforcing

  2. Resolving a list of domains

Subdomain Bruteforcing Usage

Values for following puredns inputs should be provided:

  • mode input - set bruteforce String value as given input's value
  • domain input - set a domain as a target to bruteforce on, e.g.
  • wordlist input - set your wordlist file for generating subdomain combinations for a given domain
  • resolvers input - set a file containing a list of public DNS resolvers. In following example we're using our sample - feel free to try it put.
  • resolvers-trusted input - optionally set a file containing a list of trusted public DNS resolvers, in order to validate previous resolved subdomains. In following example we're using our sample - feel free to try it put.

Here's how to set up puredns to bruteforce a massive list of subdomains for target, using a wordlist named shubs-subdomains.txt:

Screenshot of the puredns node connected on the left side with five input nodes in the workflow editor

Puredns inputs setup for Subdomain Bruteforcing mode

Domains Resolving Usage

Values for following puredns inputs should be provided:

  • mode input - set resolve String value as given input's value
  • wordlist input - set a file containing a list of domains as a target to resolve
  • resolvers input - set a file containing a list of public DNS resolvers. In following example we're using our sample - try it out by setting its raw URL as an input's value.
  • resolvers-trusted input - set a file containing a list of trusted public DNS resolvers, in order to validate previous resolved subdomains. In following example we're using our sample - try it out by setting its raw URL as an input's value.

Here's how to set up puredns to resolve a list of domains contained in domains.txt file:

Screenshot of the puredns node connected on the left side with five input nodes in the workflow editor

Puredns inputs setup for Domains Resolving mode

Notable Workflows