On this page you will learn how to save your workflows and how to access the history of explicitly saved workflow versions.

Saving Workflows

When you are working on a workflow, you can save it by clicking the Save button in the middle of the editor. This will save the current state of the workflow.

If the Save button is not available, it means that current workflow version has not been updated and there is no need to save it.

Let’s see an example of workflow update and saving:


New Blank Workflow

Let’s open a blank workflow.

Check out Creating Workflows in Space for blank workflow creation


Adding subfinder node

Let’s add subfinder and connect trickest.com to domain parameter and click Save.


Moving the Node and Saving

Now, let’s move subfinder node to the right. You will see that Save button became available and we can save the workflow again.


Saving Workflow Version

Let’s save the workflow version by clicking Workflow History button.