To monitor all of your runs, you can open Runs page. Here you can see all of your runs and their status. You can also see the run details by clicking on the run.

Runs List

When you open the Runs page, you can see the list of executed runs and their status.

Run Statuses

Pending status

Once the workflow is executed, Run will be in Pending state. Nodes are in still state. Pending time refers to the time it takes for assigned Machines to become up and running.

For Self-Hosted machines, the pending time is significantly lower than the cloud machines because of the time it takes to start the cloud machine.

If workflow intended for execution doesn’t have enough machines for starting the run, it will be in the Pending state until there are enough available machines. The message on how many machines are missing will be in Run Details.

Running status

Once machines are up and running, Run changes state to Running. First node(s) will be firstly in the pending state and then will start executing.

Pending nodes will have a blinking animation to indicate that they are preparing for the executions

After initial Pending state, nodes will start executing and will be in the Running state.

Completed Status

Once all nodes are executed, the Run will be in the Completed state. You can see the output of each of the nodes by clicking on them.

Let’s open up our node to check the output.

Failed Status

If any of the nodes fail, the Run will be in the Failed state. There is an issue and you should reach to support for further investigation.

Stopping & Stopped Status

If you stop the run, it will be in the Stopping state. Once all nodes are stopped, the Run will be in the Stopped state.