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Alexa's Top 1000 robots.txt

When doing penetration testing work or bug bounty hunting, wordlists are one of the most important parts of the discovery and fuzzing process. To get ahead of others, you should create your own wordlists for specified research processes. This workflow shows an example of creating the custom wordlists based on the paths described in most popular robots.txt files.

Complexity: basic

Category: Utilities




This workflow doesn't need any additional setup. You can copy it from the Library and execute it!

Build in steps

Getting the Alexa's CSV file with custom-script and parsing it

We can use a simple script that will download CSV from an external resource and parse it to get the most popular root domains worldwide.

wget -q


awk -F ',' '{print $2}' top-1m.csv | head -1000 > out/output.txt; rm top-1m.csv*

We can accomplish that by drag&droping custom-script node and pasting the bash script above.

This script is using `head` which will limit the results to the number supplied (in this case it is 1000). Could you change it to discover more data?\
Notice the `out/output.txt` path, this path is used for `file` output ports.
Get Alexa's CSV parse it and output root domains in the workflow editor

Get Alexa's CSV parse it and output root domains

Using sed to append protocol with sed-add-to-beginning

We can use a simple script to append https:// to each of the lines gathered in the previous step. This will create a list of webservers that we will use to get the robots.txt files.

Using sed to append protocol with sed-add-to-beginning in the workflow editor

Using meg to get the responses

We can use meg to gather all of the HTTP responses containing content of our robots.txt files. This can be accomplished by providing a path parameter to meg, with additional follow-redirects which will continue sending requests on 30x responses.

Using meg to get the responses in the workflow editor

Parsing robots.txt responses with custom-script

Meg will output all of the responses into a folder, which could be consumed by connecting folder output to another custom-script node.

Here is the code that successfully parses all the responses and creates a wordlist at the end, which could be downloaded and used either locally or in another workflow.

find in/ -mindepth 3 -type f -exec cat {} + | egrep -w "Disallow|Allow: " | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/^\///' | sed 's/\/$//' | sed '/^[[:space:]]*$/d'| sed 's/\*$//' | sed 's/^\*//' | sed 's/\/$//' | sort -n | uniq > out/output.txt

This script will search all the files available inside in folder, and use a couple of egrep and sed commands to extract the paths ant put it into out/output.txt

Execution and results

get-robots-files-dir will contain the latest results of the workflow execution.

Alexa's Top 1000 robots.txt workflow results

Try it out!

This workflow is available in the Library, you can copy it and execute it immediately!

Improve this workflow

  • Changing machine type of tools to speed up the execution
  • Customizing the get-alexa-csv script to gather more root domains
  • Executing the script on schedule and using get-trickest-output to be able to save all previous executions
  • Adding webservers and tools like ffuf to brute-force files and folders with the newly created wordlist

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