On this page you will learn what is a Node Input in Trickest platform is and how you can configure tools in Trickest Editor.

This page only cover configuring single Nodes and not Node to Node connections. For more information on how to connect nodes, please refer to the Node Connections page.

Node Input

A Node Input is a specific value that is provided to a Node in Trickest platform. It can be a string, file, folder or boolean value.

Required Node Inputs

Some of the inputs are required for the tool to run successfully. For example, a tool might require a target URL to scan or a file containing a list of subdomains to brute force. These parameters will be enabled by default when you drag & drop a node in Trickest Editor.

Types of Node Inputs


String input is a simple text value that can be provided to a node. It can be used to provide a target URL, a file path or any other text value.

String Input Examples

Some of the examples of the real world for String input values:

  • threads - Number of threads to use in a tool, e.g. 10
  • target - Target URL to scan, e.g. http://testphp.vulnweb.com
  • output-type - Type of output to generate, e.g. json
  • user-agent - User agent to use in HTTP requests, e.g. `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

Trickest Tool with 2 string Node Inputs Connected

In this example, you can see trickest.com and 100 being connected to the node as String inputs.

String inputs are colored purple in the Trickest Editor.

The Command for the tool execution will be automatically generated based on the input values. In this particular challenges

subfinder -domain trickest.com -t 100 -output out/subfinder-1/output.txt


Boolean input is a true or false value that can be provided to a node. It can be used to enable or disable a specific feature in a tool.

Boolean Input Examples

Some of the examples of the real world for Boolean input values:

  • recursive - Enable recursive subdomain enumeration
  • bruteforce - Enable subdomain bruteforce
  • verbose - Enable verbose output
  • json - Enable JSON output

Trickest Tool with Boolean Node connected to JSON boolean parameter

In this example, you can see true being connected to the json parameter as Boolean input. Finally, the command will be generated as follows:

subfinder -domain trickest.com -t 100 -json -output out/subfinder-1/output.txt
Boolean inputs are colored blue in the Trickest Editor.


File input is a file that can be provided to a node. It can be used to provide a file containing a list of targets, a configuration file or any other file.

File Input Examples

Some of the examples of the real world for File input values:

  • wordlist - File containing a list of subdomains to brute force
  • config - Configuration file for the tool
  • input-file - File containing a list of targets to scan

Now, let’s see how we can enable a Node Input parameter which is not required or enabled by default.

Trickest Tool with Boolean Node connected to JSON boolean parameter

list file input has been appeared on the (Node)[/nodes] and we can delete the string input and connect the file input to the list parameter.

File inputs are colored orange in the Trickest Editor.

Trickest Tool with Boolean Node connected to JSON boolean parameter

Types of File Inputs

External URL

External URL input is a URL that can be provided. It can be used to provide a URL containing file content to be used as an file input to the tool.



Private File from File Storage

Additionally, you can upload a file to the Trickest platform and use it as a file input.

Trickest Tool with File Node connected to `list parameter`


Folder input is a folder that can be provided to a node.

Currently folder inputs only support public git repositories. Private repositories are not supported yet.

Folder Input Examples

Some of the examples of the real world for Folder input values:

  • templates - Folder containing templates for the tool
  • screenshots - Folder to pass screenshots

Trickest Tools with Folder Inputs connected with each other

Folder inputs are colored yellow in the Trickest Editor.

This looks complex right? As we finished the Node Inputs, it is time to move and explain what are Node Outputs & Node Connections.