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The Trickest platform has a distinct section designated for private tools within the Library. This dedicated area is engineered to enable users to manage their proprietary tools with high security, control and privacy.

Features and Benefits of the Private Tools

  • Secured Environment: The Private tab ensures that the tools you import remain confidential and are not exposed to the public, safeguarding your custom solutions.

  • Customization: It allows users to import and configure tools tailored to their unique operational needs, essential for specialized tasks that off-the-shelf software cannot address.

  • Easy Management: Users can easily manage all of their private tools in one centralized location, simplifying the process of updating, configuring, and monitoring the usage of each tool.

  • Integration: Private tools can be integrated into custom workflows within the Trickest platform, providing the same automation and efficiency as public tools.

This feature is particularly effective for organizations that rely on proprietary or specialized software to conduct their operations. It offers them the flexibility to leverage the power of Trickest's workflow automation while maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of their custom tools.

Accessing the Library

After logging into your Trickest account, locate and click on the Library button in the navigation menu.

You will see two primary tabs within the Library: Public and Private. Click on the Private tab to view your personal tool repository.

Library Private Tools Tab

Team Capabilities

With private tooling, your entire team gains clear visibility into the tools being used and detailed insights on the authors and users of these tools, fostering transparency and collaboration across your projects.

Viewing Your Private Tools

Once in the Private section, you will have a grid of all the imported tools. If this is your first visit or you have not yet imported any tools, this area may be empty.

Private Tool Example

Tool Details and Management

Click on the tool's card to manage or get more information about a specific tool. This will take you to a screen to see the tool's description, version, and configuration options.

Next up: Dockerfile & Trickest YAML