CLI (Command Line Interface)
Workflow Runs CLI is positioned on the bottom of Workflow Builder. It is responsible for monitoring Nodes processes and execution progress.
Click on Node
In order to view relevant Node information, Node must be selected.CLI Tabs
Workflow Runs CLI has 4 tabs: COMMAND, OUTPUT, STDOUT, and STDERR. Regarding selected Node Type tabs have different purposes:
Tool Node
Command obtained during Tool setup in the process of building workflow using Workflow Builder.
If a Tool is executed Successfully, here is the Output.
2 buttons are available:
- Download - the result can be downloaded locally.
- Copy URL - considering this Output can be used in other Versions or in a completely different Workflow (as a File), this is a way to obtain its URL.
If a Tool is successfully executed, full StdOut can be found here.
If Tool execution is failed, error information is located here.
Script Node
Command obtained during Script setup in the process of building workflow using Workflow Builder.
If a Script is executed Successfully, here is the Output. 2 buttons are available:
- Download - result can be downloaded on local.
- Copy URL - considering this Output can be used in other Version or in completely different Workflow (as a File), this is a way to obtain its URL.
If a Script is successfully executed, full StdOut can be found here.
If Script execution fails, error information is located here.
Splitter Node
Splitter doesn't have any relevant information in CLI.