FDsploit can be used to discover and exploit Local/Remote File Inclusion and directory traversal vulnerabilities automatically.
Category: Vulnerabilities
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 9/7/2021
Container: quay.io/trickest/fdsploit:4522f53
Source URL: https://github.com/chrispetrou/FDsploit
- Specify URLCommand:
- Specify max depth for payload [default 5]Command:
- Specify POST parameters to use (applied only with POST requests) Form: param1:value1,param2:value2,...Command:
- Search for a certain keyword(s) on the response [default: None]Command:
- Specify a payload-file to look forCommand:
- Use base64 encoding [default False]Command:
- Url-encode the payload [default: False]Command:
- Use a random user-agent [default user-agent: FDsploit_1.2_agent]Command:
- Specify a file containing urlsCommand:
- Specify request type ('GET' or 'POST') [default GET]Command:
- Test for command execution through PHP functions [default command: None]Command:
- Specify a session-cookie to use [default None]Command:
- Use a termination character ('%00' or '?') [default None]