DalFox is a fast, powerful parameter analysis and XSS scanner, based on a golang/DOM parser.
Category: Vulnerabilities
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 9/7/2021
Container: quay.io/trickest/dalfox:62d1f2e
Source URL: https://github.com/hahwul/dalfox
- Use Stored XSS modeCommand:
- Debug modeCommand:
- Only testing selected parametersCommand:
- Add custom cookieCommand:
- Payload mode, make and enum payloadsCommand:
- Number of worker (default 100)Command:
- Not use colorizeCommand:
- Shows only the PoC code for the specified pattern (g: grep / r: reflected / v: verified)Command:
- Skipping BAV(Basic Another Vulnerability) analysisCommand:
- Using POST Method and add Body dataCommand:
- Send all request to proxy server. Example:
- Find new parameter in DOM (attribute/js value) (default true)Command:
- Not use spinnerCommand:
- All log write modeCommand:
- Use single target modeCommand:
- Using config from fileCommand:
- DOM XSS Testing with more payloads on headless [so slow]Command:
- Force overriding HTTP Method. Example: PUT (default GET)Command:
- Find new parameter with dictionary attack, default is Gf-Patterns=>XSS (default true)Command:
- Use file mode(targets list or rawdata)Command:
- Second of timeout (default 10)Command:
- If found weak/vuln, action(cmd) to next. Example: './notify.sh'Command:
- Add custom headersCommand:
- Skipping built-in greppingCommand:
- Skipping headless browser base scanning[DOM XSS and inJS verify]Command:
- Stdout output format. Supported plain / jsonCommand:
- Using force http on rawdata modeCommand:
- Only testing parameter analysisCommand:
- Load cookie from burp raw http request. Example: request.txtCommand:
- Add custom payloads from fileCommand:
- Using remote payload for XSS testing. Supported: portswigger/payloadbox. Example: portswigger,payloadboxCommand:
- Skipping ALL parameter miningCommand:
- Skipping DOM base parameter miningCommand:
- Add your blind xss domain. Example: hahwul.xss.htCommand:
- Using custom grepping file.Example: ./samples/sample_grep.jsonCommand:
- Following redirectionCommand:
- Custom wordlist file for param mining. Example: word.txtCommand:
- Using remote wordlists for param mining. Supported: burp/assetnote. Example: burpCommand:
- Skipping Dict base parameter miningCommand:
- Change alert value type. Example: none / str,none (default none)Command:
- Add custom UserAgentCommand:
- Milliseconds between send to same host (1000==1s)Command:
- Using req rawdata from Burp/ZAPCommand:
- Skipping XSS ScanningCommand:
- Checking this url after inject sxss code. Example: https://~~/profileCommand:
- Change alert value. Example: document.cookie (default 1)Command:
- Set sequence to first number. Example: https://~/view?no=SEQNC 3 (default -1)Command:
- Ignore scanning from return code. Example: 302,403,404Command:
- Not printing all logsCommand:
- Enumerate a gf-patterns xss paramsCommand:
- Enumerate a in-attr xss payloadsCommand:
- Enumerate a in-html xss payloadsCommand:
- Enumerate a in-js xss payloadsCommand:
- Make bulk payloads for stored xssCommand:
- Only testing custom payload (required parameter custom-payloads)Command:
- Encoding outputCommand:
- Enumerate a common xss payloadsCommand:
- Enumerate a payloadbox's xss payloadsCommand:
- Enumerate a useful tags for xssCommand:
- Enumerate a portswigger xss cheatsheet payloadsCommand:
- Enumerate a event handlers for xssCommand:
- Enumerate a special chars for xss