HTTPie (pronounced aitch-tee-tee-pie) is a command-line HTTP client. Its goal is to make CLI interaction with web services as human-friendly as possible. HTTPie is designed for testing, debugging, and generally interacting with APIs & HTTP servers.
Category: Utilities
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 6/23/2021
Source URL:
- Request URLCommand:
- Httpie http methodCommand:
- Httpie https methodCommand:
- Format: Protocol:PROXY_URL. String mapping protocol to the URL of the proxy.Command:
- Set to no or false to skip checking the host's SSL certificate. Default: yes or true. You can set REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE environment variable.Command:
- The connection timeout of the request in seconds.Command:
- Specify a custom boundary string for multipart/form-data requests. Has effect only with --form.Command:
- Content compressed (encoded) with Deflate algorithm. The Content-Encoding header is set to deflate.Command:
- The authentication mechanism to use. Default: basic. Options: basic - Basic HTTP auth; digest - Digest HTTP auth.Command:
- Always sends a multipart/form-data request.Command:
- Specify a certificate to use as cliend side SSL certificate.Command:
- Http methodCommand:
- The maximum number of response headers to be read before giving up.Command:
- The private key to use with SSL. Only needed if there is no key in provided certificate file.Command:
- By default, HTTPie exits with 0 when no network or other fatal errors occur.Command:
- Http Headers. Use : as a key-value separator. Example: Cookie:foo=bar.Command:
- By default, requests have a limit of 30 redirects (works with -f).Command:
- Format : USER:PASSCommand:
- URL parameters to be appended to the request URI. Use == as a key-value separator. Example: search==httpie.Command:
- A string in the OpenSSL cipher list format.Command:
- Data fields to be serialized into a JSON object (use with -j). or form data (use with -f). Example: name=HTTPie.Command:
- Follow 30x Location redirects.Command:
- The desired protocol version to use. This will default to SSL v2.3.Command:
- Bypass dot segment (/../ or /./) URL squashing.Command:
- Data items from the command line are serialized as form fields. The Content-Type ise set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (if not specified). The presence of any file fields results in a multipart/form-data request.Command:
- Data items from the command line are serialized as a Json Object. The Content-Type and Accept headers are set to application/json(if not specified).Command:
- Non-string JSON data fields (only with -j). Use := as a separator. Example: awesome:=true.