CeWL is a ruby app which spiders a given URL to a specified depth, optionally following external links, and returns a list of words which can then be used for password crackers such as John the Ripper.
Category: Utilities
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 6/23/2021
Container: quay.io/trickest/cewl:4ad686f
Source URL: https://github.com/digininja/CeWL
- The site to spiderCommand:
- Include meta data.Command:
- Show the count for each word found.Command:
- Extra debug information.Command:
- Depth to spider to, default 2.Command:
- Include email addresses.Command:
- Return groups of words as wellCommand:
- In format name:value - can pass multiple.Command:
- A regex pattern that path must match to be followedCommand:
- A file containing a list of paths to excludeCommand:
- Let the spider visit other sites.Command:
- Verbose.Command:
- Authentication password.Command:
- Digest or basic.Command:
- Authentication username.Command:
- Lowercase all parsed wordsCommand:
- Proxy host.Command:
- Proxy port, default 8080.Command:
- User agent to send.Command:
- Accept words with numbers in as well as just lettersCommand:
- Password for proxy, if required.Command:
- Username for proxy, if required.Command:
- Convert common ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) umlauts (ä-ae, ö-oe, ü-ue, ß-ss)Command:
- Maximum word length, default unset.Command:
- Minimum word length, default 3.