Find credentials all over the place
Category: Static Code Analysis
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 6/23/2021
Source URL:
- S3 key used to authenticate.Command:
- GitHub/GitLab organization to scan.Command:
- Scan bare repository (e.g. useful while using in pre-receive hooks)Command:
- Path to file to scan (must use the `filesystem` mode)Command:
- Output in JSON format.Command:
- Scan mode (available options: git, github, gitlab, filesystem, s3, gcs, circleci, and docker)Command:
- GitHub/GitLab repository to scan.Command:
- Run in debug mode.Command:
- Docker image to scan. Image registry is assumed.Command:
- GitHub/GitLab/CircleCI tokenCommand:
- Run in trace mode.Command:
- Branch to scan.Command:
- Name of S3 bucket to scan.Command:
- Path to configuration file.Command:
- S3 secret used to authenticate.Command:
- GCS API key used to authenticate.Command:
- Git repository URL. https://, file://, or ssh:// schema expected (must use the `git` mode)Command:
- GitHub/GitLab endpointCommand:
- Specify the ARN of an IAM role to assume for scanning.Command:
- Set custom verification endpoints.Command:
- Path to directory to scan (must use the `filesystem` mode)Command:
- Maximum depth of commits to scan.Command:
- Don't check for updates.Command:
- GCS project ID used to authenticate. Can NOT be used with unauth scan.Command:
- Number of concurrent workers (default: 1).Command:
- Use the pre-v3.0 JSON format. Only works with git, gitlab, and github sources.Command:
- Include pull request descriptions and comments in scan.Command:
- Commit to start scan from.Command:
- Scan GCS buckets without authentication. This will only work for public bucketsCommand:
- Comma separated list of globs to exclude in scan. This option filters at the `git log` level, resulting in faster scans.Command:
- Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to exclude in scan.Command:
- Repositories to include in an org scan. This can also be a glob pattern. Must use Github repo full name. Example: trufflesecurity/trufflehog, trufflesecurity/t*Command:
- Include gist comments in scan.Command:
- Include forks in scan.Command:
- Path to file with newline separated regexes for files to include in scan.Command:
- Repositories to include in an org scan. This can also be a glob pattern. Must use Github repo full name. Example: trufflesecurity/trufflehog, trufflesecurity/t*Command:
- Only output verified results.Command:
- S3 session token used to authenticate temporary credentials.Command:
- Filter unverified results with Shannon entropy. Start with 3.0.Command:
- Output in GitHub Actions format.Command:
- Include issue descriptions and comments in scan.Command:
- Maximum time to spend extracting an archive.Command:
- Buckets to exclude from scan. Comma separated list of buckets. Globs are supportedCommand:
- Objects to exclude from scan. Comma separated list of buckets. Globs are supportedCommand:
- Buckets to scan. Comma separated list of buckets. Globs are supportedCommand:
- Include organization member repositories in scan.Command:
- Objects to scan. Comma separated list of buckets. Globs are supportedCommand:
- Maximum size of objects to scan. Objects larger than this will be skipped. (Byte units eg. 512B, 2KB, 4MB)Command:
- Don't verify the resultsCommand:
- Path to GCS service account JSON file.Command:
- Maximum size of archive to scan. (Byte units eg. 512B, 2KB, 4MB)Command:
- Maximum depth of archive to scan.Command:
- Use default IAM credentials in cloud environment.Command:
- Comma separated list of detector types to exclude. Protobuf name or IDs may be used, as well as ranges. IDs defined here take precedence over the include list.Command:
- Only output first unverified result per chunk per detector if there are more than one results.Command:
- Comma separated list of detector types to include. Protobuf name or IDs may be used, as well as ranges.Command:
- Print the average time spent on each detector.