WordPress security scanner. Written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their WordPress websites.
Category: Scanners
Publisher: trickest-mhmdiaa
Created Date: 7/24/2023
Container: quay.io/trickest/wpscan-loop:v3.8.24-patch-4
Source URL: https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan
- The URLs of the blogs to scan. Allowed Protocols: http, https. Default Protocol if none provided: http. This option is mandatory.Command:
- Do not check if the target is running WordPress or returns a 403Command:
- Format: protocol://IP:portCommand:
- 'Comma separated (sub-)domains to consider in scope. Wildcard(s) allowed in the trd of valid domains, e.g: *.target.tld. Separator to use between the values: ','Command:
- The virtual host (Host header) to use in requestsCommand:
- Output results in the format supplied. Available choices: cli, json, cli-no-colour, cli-no-colorCommand:
- Force the supplied server module to be loaded. Available choices: apache, iis, nginxCommand:
- Additional headers to append in requestsCommand:
- Verbose modeCommand:
- Alias for --random-user-agent --detection-mode passive --plugins-version-detection passiveCommand:
- Milliseconds to wait before doing another web request. If used, the max threads will be set to 1.Command:
- The WPScan API Token to display vulnerability data, available at https://wpscan.com/profileCommand:
- Default: /tmp/wpscan/cacheCommand:
- Enumeration Process. Available Choices: vp (Vulnerable plugins), ap (All plugins), p (Popular plugins), vt (Vulnerable themes), at (All themes), t (Popular themes), tt (Timthumbs), cb (Config backups), dbe (Db exports), u (User IDs range. e.g: u1-5. Range separator to use: '-'. Value if no argument supplied: 1-10), m (Media IDs range. e.g m1-15. Note: Permalink setting must be set to 'Plain' for those to be detected. Range separator to use: '-'. Value if no argument supplied: 1-100). Separator to use between the values: ','. Default: All Plugins, Config Backups. Value if no argument supplied: vp,vt,tt,cb,dbe,u,m.Command:
- Format: login:passwordCommand:
- The URI of the login page if different from /wp-login.phpCommand:
- Don't display the bannerCommand:
- Do not update the Database.Command:
- List of passwords to use during the password attack. If no --username/s option supplied, user enumeration will be run.Command:
- Format: login:passwordCommand:
- User agentCommand:
- Clear the cache before the scanCommand:
- Additional headers to append in requests (one per line)Command:
- The max threads to use. Default: 5Command:
- Cookie string to use in requests, format: cookie1=value1[; cookie2=value2Command:
- Default: mixed. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- List of timthumbs' location to useCommand:
- List of usernames to use during the password attack.Command:
- The wp-content directory if custom or not detected, such as wp-contentCommand:
- The plugins directory if custom or not detected, such as wp-content/pluginsCommand:
- Check all the version locationsCommand:
- List of DB exports' paths to useCommand:
- Force the supplied attack to be used rather than automatically determining one. Multicall will only work against WP < 4.4. Available choices: wp-login, xmlrpc, xmlrpc-multicallCommand:
- The request timeout in seconds. Default: 60Command:
- Use the supplied mode to enumerate Users, instead of the global (--detection-mode) mode. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- List of users to check during the users enumeration from the Login Error MessagesCommand:
- Use the supplied mode to enumerate Medias, instead of the global (--detection-mode) mode. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- Use the supplied mode to enumerate Themes, instead of the global (--detection-mode) mode. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- List of themes to enumerate.Command:
- Raise an error when the number of detected themes via known locations reaches the threshold. Set to 0 to ignore the threshold. Default: 20Command:
- List of agents to use with --random-user-agentCommand:
- List of usernames to use during the password attack. Examples: 'a1', 'a1,a2,a3'Command:
- Exclude usernames matching the Regexp/string (case insensitive). Regexp delimiters are not required.Command:
- Abort the scan if it exceeds the time provided in secondsCommand:
- Use the supplied mode to enumerate Plugins. Default: passive. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- List of plugins to enumerate.Command:
- Raise an error when the number of detected plugins via known locations reaches the threshold. Set to 0 to ignore the threshold. Default: 100Command:
- Additional headers to append in requests. Separator to use between the headers: '; '. Examples: 'X-Forwarded-For:', 'X-Forwarded-For:; Another: aaa'Command:
- List of users to check during the users enumeration from the Login Error Messages. Examples: 'a1', 'a1,a2,a3'Command:
- The cache time to live in seconds. Default: 600Command:
- The connection timeout in seconds. Default: 30Command:
- Disables SSL/TLS certificate verification, and downgrade to TLS1.0+ (requires cURL 7.66 for the latter)Command:
- List of themes to enumerate. Examples: 'a1', 'a1,a2,a3'Command:
- Check all the themes version locations according to the choosen mode (--detection-mode, --themes-detection and --themes-version-detection)Command:
- List of config backups' filenames to use'Command:
- List of plugins to enumerate. Examples: 'a1', 'a1,a2,a3'Command:
- Check all the plugins version locations according to the choosen mode (--detection-mode, --plugins-detection and --plugins-version-detection)Command:
- Use the supplied mode to enumerate Timthumbs, instead of the global (--detection-mode) mode. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- Use the supplied mode to enumerate DB Exports, instead of the global (--detection-mode) mode. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- Ignore the main redirect (if any) and scan the target urlCommand:
- Use the supplied mode for the Main theme detection, instead of the global (--detection-mode) mode. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- Use the supplied mode for the WordPress version detection, instead of the global (--detection-mode) mode. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- Exclude all responses matching the Regexp (case insensitive) during parts of the enumeration. Both the headers and body are checked. Regexp delimiters are not required.Command:
- Maximum number of passwords to send by request with XMLRPC multicall. Default: 500Command:
- Use the supplied mode to enumerate Config Backups, instead of the global (--detection-mode) mode. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- Use the supplied mode to check themes versions instead of the --detection-mode or --themes-detection modes. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- File to read and write cookiesCommand:
- Use the supplied mode to check plugins versions. Default: mixed. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressiveCommand:
- Use the supplied mode for the interesting findings detection. Available choices: mixed, passive, aggressive