pydictor - A powerful and useful hacker dictionary builder for a brute-force attack
Category: Passwords
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 9/20/2021
Source URL:
- Specify mode. [handler,shredder,hybrider,comparer,combiner,uniqbiner,counter,uniqifer]Command:
- Specify plugin. (pid4,scratch,birthday,pid8,ftp,pid6) [e.g pid6(id card last6 char wordlist)]Command:
- Specify chunk. [chunk1] [chunk2] ...Command:
- Use ddMMyyyy format date, default date format: yyyyMMddCommand:
- Specify length of password. [e.g (minlen) (maxlen)]Command:
- Base type. Choose from [d, L, c, dL, dc, Lc, dLc]. (d=digital [0 - 9], L=lowercase letters [a - z], c=capital letters [A - Z], dL=mix d and L [0-9 a-z], dc=Mix d and c [0-9 A-Z], Lc= Mix L and c [a-z A-Z], dLc= Mix d, L and dL [0-9 a-z A-Z])Command:
- Set the word list rule level.Command:
- Add items prefix.Command:
- Add items suffix.Command:
- Custom charCommand:
- Enable 1337 mode [code] (0, 1, 2, 11-19, 21-29)Command:
- Please specify encodee type. [test,b16,sha512,des,md516,rsa,b64,b32,none,execjs,url,hmac,sha1,sha256,md5]Command:
- Please specify pattern fileCommand:
- Please specify occur filter. [letter] [digital] [special]Command:
- Please specify regex filter.Command:
- Please specify filter types. [letter] [digital] [special]Command:
- Filter by consecutive repeat times of letter, digital, special charsCommand:
- Specify the counter mode file.Command:
- Specify the counter mode. ['v','s','vs']Command:
- Specify the handler mode file.Command:
- Specify the shredder mode dir.Command:
- Specify configuration file.Command:
- Please specify file with pattern expression.Command:
- Specify the shredder mode file.Command:
- Specify the uniqbiner mode dir.Command:
- Specify the uniquer mode file.Command:
- Specify counter mode number. [view_num]Command:
- Specify the hybrider mode first file.Command:
- Specify the hybrider mode second.Command:
- Specify directory for combiner mode.Command:
- Extend wordlist based on rules. [e.g names.txt]Command:
- Specify configuration expression.Command:
- Specify the minuend file for comparer mode.Command:
- Extend wordlist based on rules. [e.g bob]