Nscan is a fast Network scanner optimized for internet-wide scanning purposes and inspired by Masscan and Zmap. It has it’s own tiny TCP/IP stack and uses Raw sockets to send TCP SYN probes. It doesn’t need to set SYN Cookies so it doesn’t wastes time checking if a received packet is a result of it’s own scan, that makes Nscan faster than other similar scanners.
Category: Network
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 9/7/2021
Container: quay.io/trickest/nscan:4a507ca
Source URL: https://github.com/OffensivePython/Nscan
- Target IP addressCommand:
- Ports to scanCommand:
- Scan type S:SYN U:UDP (default=S)Command:
- Every N (int) packets sent sleep P (float) (Default=1000,1)Command:
- Fetch bannersCommand:
- Nscan scripts to import (e.g. ssh_key:22+check_proxy:80-85,8080)Command:
- Number of results to get