NetExec (a.k.a nxc) is a network service exploitation tool that helps automate assessing the security of large networks.
Category: Network
Publisher: trickest-mhmdiaa
Created Date: 7/18/2024
Source URL:
- database credential ID(s) to use for authenticationCommand:
- List files in the directoryCommand:
- dump LSA secrets from target systemsCommand:
- DPAPI option. File with domain backupkeyCommand:
- dump SAM hashes from target systemsCommand:
- issues the specified WMI queryCommand:
- Enumerate GMSA passwordsCommand:
- NTLM hash(es)Command:
- Enable force IPv6Command:
- dump the NTDS.dit from target DCs using the specifed method (drsuapi,vss)Command:
- Target portCommand:
- dump SCCM secrets from target systems (wmi,disk)Command:
- Dump selected user from DCCommand:
- Set encoding used (codec) from the target's output. If errors are detected, run at the target & map the result with and then execute again with --codec and the corresponding codec (default: utf-8)Command:
- enable debug level informationCommand:
- max spider recursion depthCommand:
- enumerate disksCommand:
- dump DPAPI secrets from target systems, can dump cookies if you add 'cookies', will not dump SYSTEM dpapi if you add nosystem (cookies,nosystem)Command:
- execute the specfied query against the targetCommand:
- regex(s) to search for in folders, filenames and file contentCommand:
- enumerate domain users, if a user is specified than only its information is queried.Command:
- domain to authenticate toCommand:
- enumerate domain groups, if a group is specified than its members are enumeratedCommand:
- file containing NTLM hashesCommand:
- sets a random delay between each authenticationCommand:
- DPAPI option. File with masterkeys in form of {GUID}:SHA1Command:
- module to useCommand:
- No smb connectionCommand:
- use the selected server (default: https)Command:
- enumerate shares and accessCommand:
- share to spiderCommand:
- the target IP, range, CIDR, hostname, or FQDNCommand:
- AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)Command:
- execute the specified commandCommand:
- enable file content searchingCommand:
- Use TCP instead of UDP for DNS queriesCommand:
- Only dump enabled targets from DCCommand:
- Get domain sidCommand:
- pattern(s) to search for in folders, filenames and file contentCommand:
- a list of target IP(s), range(s), CIDR(s), hostname(s), FQDN(s), NMap XML or .Nessus file(s)'Command:
- set how many concurrent threads to useCommand:
- max timeout in seconds of each threadCommand:
- enable verbose outputCommand:
- Use Kerberos authenticationCommand:
- dump password policyCommand:
- passwordCommand:
- the network protocol to assess (available protocols: ldap, mssql, smb, wmi, ssh, vnc, ftp, winrm, rdp)Command:
- enumerate active sessionsCommand:
- usernameCommand:
- enumerate computer userCommand:
- file containing passwordsCommand:
- file containing usernamesCommand:
- Perform a Bloodhound scanCommand:
- Which information to collect. Supported: Group, LocalAdmin, Session, Trusts, Default, DCOnly, DCOM, RDP, PSRemote, LoggedOn, Container, ObjectProps, ACL, All. You can specify more than one by separating them with a comma (default: Default)Command:
- Specify DNS server (default: Use hosts file & System DNS)Command:
- Force the PowerShell command to run in a 32-bit process via a job; WARNING: depends on the job completing quickly, so you may have to increase the timeoutCommand:
- enumerate network interfacesCommand:
- authenticate locally to each targetCommand:
- only spider filesCommand:
- Use Kerberos authentication from ccache file (KRB5CCNAME)Command:
- Get objets that had the value adminCount=1Command:
- File with a custom AMSI bypassCommand:
- DNS query timeout in secondsCommand:
- Select shell type in hashes dump (default: cmd) (cmd,powershell)Command:
- method to execute the command. Ignored if in MSSQL mode (default: wmiexec) (smbexec,wmiexec,atexec,mmcexec)Command:
- do not displaying progress bar during scanCommand:
- IP to bind the server to (default:
- start the server on the specified portCommand:
- Get Active Domain Users AccountsCommand:
- DCOM connection timeout (default: 5)Command:
- directories to exclude from spideringCommand:
- list available modulesCommand:
- enumerate local groups, if a group is specified then its members are enumeratedCommand:
- Filter share by access, option 'read' 'write' or 'read,write'Command:
- SQL server connection timeout (default: 5)Command:
- No spray when using file for username and password (user1 => password1, user2 => password2)Command:
- specify max RID to enumerate users by bruteforcing RIDsCommand:
- folder to spider (default: .)Command:
- WMI Namespace (default: rootcimv2)Command:
- enumerate logged on usersCommand:
- module optionsCommand:
- Skip write check on shares (avoid leaving traces when missing delete permissions)Command:
- Get the secret name of specific gmsa or all gmsa if no gmsa providedCommand:
- max number of failed login attempts per hostCommand:
- IP for the remote system to connect back toCommand:
- Number of times atexec/smbexec/mmcexec tries to get results (default: 10)Command:
- Decrypt the gmsa encrypted value from LSACommand:
- max number of global failed login attemptsCommand:
- do not retrieve command outputCommand:
- Ignore non UTF-8 characters when decoding the password fileCommand:
- execute the specified PowerShell commandCommand:
- continues authentication attempts even after successesCommand:
- max number of failed login attempts per usernameCommand:
- Do not encode the PowerShell command ran on targetCommand:
- Obfuscate PowerShell ran on target; WARNING: Defender will almost certainly trigger on thisCommand:
- display module optionsCommand:
- only search for specific user, works with regexCommand:
- Get the list of users with flag PASSWD_NOTREQDCommand:
- Get the list of users and computers with flag TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATIONCommand:
- Enumerate Domain ControllersCommand:
- Clear all cached obfuscated PowerShell scriptsCommand:
- FQDN of the domain controller. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN) specified in the target parameter