The tool helps to find hidden parameters that can be vulnerable or can reveal interesting functionality that other hunters miss. Greater accuracy is achieved thanks to the line-by-line comparison of pages, comparison of response code and reflections.
Category: Fuzzing
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 7/22/2021
Container: quay.io/trickest/x8:ab1ba6c-patch-1
Source URL: https://github.com/Sh1Yo/x8
- Change the maximum number of parameters per request. (default is <= 256 for query, 64 for headers and 512 for body)Command:
- You can add a custom injection point with %s. Multiple values are supported: https://url1 http://url2Command:
- Example body: '{x:{%s}}'Command:
- HTTP version. Supported versions: --http 1.1, --http 2Command:
- Port to use with request fileCommand:
- Prints request and responseCommand:
- Delay between requests in milliseconds [default: 0]Command:
- Force searching for parameters on pages > 25MB. Remove an error in case there's 1Command:
- Protocol to use with request file (default is https)Command:
- ProxyCommand:
- Encodes query or body before making a request, i.e & -> %26, = -> %3DCommand:
- By default, parameters are sent within the body only in case PUT or POST methodsCommand:
- How to join parameter templates. Example: --joiner '&'. Default: urlencoded - '&', json - ', ', header values - '; 'Command:
- Multiple values are supported: -X GET POSTCommand:
- Only report parameters that have changed the different parts of a pageCommand:
- Verify found parameters.Command:
- Example: 'one:one' 'two:two'Command:
- The file with the raw http requestCommand:
- HTTP request timeout in seconds. [default: 15]Command:
- Verbose level 0/1/2 [default: 1]Command:
- The number of concurrent url checks. [default: 1]Command:
- Split the request into lines by the provided sequence. By default splits by
- You can add a custom injection point with %s. Multiple values are supported: https://url1 http://url2Command:
- -w, --wordlist <wordlist>Command:
- -t, --data-type <data-type>Command:
- The number of concurrent requests per url [default: 1]Command:
- If a replay proxy is specified, send all found parameters within one request.Command:
- Check the body of responses with binary content typesCommand:
- Skip writing to file outputs of url:method pairs without found parametersCommand:
- Request target with every found parameter via the replay proxy at the end.Command:
- Values for custom parameters (default is 1 0 false off null true yes no)Command:
- Add default headers that browsers usually set.Command:
- standart, json, url, request [default: standart]Command:
- Disable colorsCommand:
- Set the custom number of learn requests. [default: 9]Command:
- %k - key, %v - value. Example: --param-template 'user[%k]=%v'. Default: urlencoded - <%k=%v>, json - <%k:%v>, headers - <%k=%v>Command:
- Disable page comparison and search for reflected parameters only.Command:
- Check the same list of parameters with the found parameters until there are no new parameters to be found. Conflicts with --verify for now.Command:
- Can solve some dns related problemsCommand:
- Follow redirectionsCommand:
- [default: 26]Command:
- Check these parameters with non-random values like true/false yes/no (default is admin bot captcha debug disable encryption env show sso test waf)Command:
- Multiple urls with the same host will be checked one after another,Command:
- Disable progress barCommand:
- Disable additional checksCommand:
- Do not automatically check parameters like admin=true