A simple script to screenshot a list of websites, based on the url-to-image PhantomJS script.
Category: Discovery
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 6/23/2021
Container: quay.io/trickest/webscreenshot:16e5c2a
Source URL: https://github.com/maaaaz/webscreenshot
- Enforce SSL/TLS for every connection.Command:
- Single URL target.Command:
- Rectangle <t,l,w,h> to crop the screen capture to (default to WINDOW_SIZE: '0,0,w,h'), only numbers, w(idth) and h(eight). Example: 10,20,w,h.Command:
- Use the specified port for each target in the input list.Command:
- For each screenshot, create another one displaying inside the target URL.Command:
- Specify a proxy. Example: http://proxy.company.com:8080.Command:
- Cookie string to add. Example: -c JSESSIONID=1234; YOLO=SWAG.Command:
- Specify an output image file format {pdf,png,jpg,jpeg,bmp,ppm} (default: png).Command:
- Custom or additional header. Repeat this option for every header. Example: -a Host: localhost -a Foo: bar.Command:
- Specify the output image quality, an integer between 0 and 100 (default: 75).Command:
- Renderer execution timeout in seconds (default: 30).Command:
- Number of parallel execution workers (default: 4).Command:
- Renderer to use among 'phantomjs' (legacy but best results), 'chrome', 'chromium', 'edgechromium', 'firefox' (version > 57) (default: phantomjs)Command:
- File containing JavaScript code to be executed before taking the screenshot.Command:
- File containing the target list.Command:
- Font size for the label (default: 60).Command:
- Run without an X server.Command:
- Provides authentication information for the proxy. Example: user:password.Command:
- Specifies the proxy type, http (default), none (disable completely), or socks5. Example: socks.Command:
- Width and height of the screen capture (default: 1200,800).Command:
- Specify a password for HTTP Basic Authentication.Command:
- Specify a username for HTTP Basic Authentication.Command:
- Perform screenshots over HTTP and HTTPS for each target.Command:
- Do not write a file with the list of URL of failed screenshots (default: false).Command:
- Label imagemagick background color (default: NavajoWhite).Command:
- Renderer executable file.Command:
- Verbosity level, repeat it to increase the level { -v INFO, -vv DEBUG } (default verbosity: ERROR)Command:
- Per AJAX request, and max URL timeout in milliseconds (default: 1400,1800).