Fast web spider written in Go
Category: Discovery
Publisher: trickest
Created Date: 6/23/2021
Container: quay.io/trickest/gospider:a4244c8
Source URL: https://github.com/jaeles-project/gospider
- Turn on rawCommand:
- Proxy (Ex:
- Turn on lengthCommand:
- Turn on verboseCommand:
- Turn on debug modeCommand:
- User Agent to use (web: random web user-agent, mobi: random mobile user-agent)Command:
- Enable JSON outputCommand:
- RandomDelay is the extra randomized duration to wait added to Delay before creating a new request (second)Command:
- Find URLs from 3rd party (Archive.org, CommonCrawl.org, VirusTotal.com, AlienVault.com)Command:
- Cookie to use (testA=a; testB=b)Command:
- Turn on length filterCommand:
- Header to use (Use multiple flag to set multiple header)Command:
- Delay is the duration to wait before creating a new request to the matching domains (second)Command:
- Site to crawlCommand:
- Try to crawl robots.txt (default true)Command:
- Request timeout (second) (default 10)Command:
- Disable redirectCommand:
- Whitelist DomainCommand:
- Try to crawl sitemap.xmlCommand:
- Disable all and only use HTML contentCommand:
- Number of threads (Run sites in parallel) (default 1)Command:
- Enable linkfinder in javascript file (default true)Command:
- Include subdomainsCommand:
- Blacklist URL RegexCommand:
- MaxDepth limits the recursion depth of visited URLs. (Set it to 0 for infinite recursion) (default 1)Command:
- Site list to crawlCommand:
- Whitelist URL RegexCommand:
- Also include other-source's urls (still crawl and request)Command:
- The number of the maximum allowed concurrent requests of the matching domains (default 5)Command:
- Include subdomains crawled from 3rd party. Default is main domainCommand:
- Load headers and cookie from burp raw http request