Explore a collection of powerful and efficient workflows in the Content Discovery category to enhance your productivity and security.
Ultimate Web Brute-Forcer
Get all possible URLs for a web app through js extraction, fuzzing per dir level, wayback archive, remove false positives and do everything in parallel
Fuzz URL Levels - Multiple
Enumerate URLs for a list of hosts, then use a wordlist to fuzz for additional directories at each level.
Fuzz URL levels
Enumerate URLs for a host, then use a wordlist to fuzz for additional directories at each level.
Check URLs and send notification on diff
Take a list of URLs, request them, and send notification if changes occur in title, status code or content-length
Custom Parameter Discovery Wordlist
Collect URLs of a list of domains and generate a custom parameter discovery wordlist
Simple Content Discovery
Enumerate subdomains and discover URLs through multiple ways
Inventory 2.0 - URL enumeration
Enumerate URLs from passive sources and classify them based on potential vulnerabilities. Check out the URLs of public bug bounty programs on
Inventory 2.0 - Web Spider
Actively crawl a list of web servers. Check out the crawled URLs of public bug bounty programs on
Get Firebase Databases from Hosts
Permutate and alter hosts in order to find firebase instances.
Brute-Force Parameters - Single URL
Get all of the parameters that are used by a single url passed.
Single Web App Fuzz
Fuzz and spider a web application, get responses and zip files for further examination.
NPM Wordlist & NPM Package Finder
Find package.json files on list of hosts by creating wordlist by cloning OneListForAll and then brute-forcing list of hosts.
JavaScript Links and Paths
Find URLs/endpoints in a list of JavaScript files
Virtual Host Discovery
Enumerate virtual hosts
Crawl URLs and Discover JavaScript URLs & Endpoints
Crawl a web host and extract endpoints and URLs from its JavaScript code
Brute-Force Files & Directories on a List of Hosts
Fuzz a list of hosts for files/directories with a wordlist
Spider All Subdomains
Spider all subdomains and merge all results.
APK Discovery - Urls & Paths
Find URLs & Paths in an APK file
Get All Public Urls
Get all archived urls for a list of subdomains.
Get all urls and classify by vulnerability type
This workflow is used to gather ALL URLs and sort them by common vulnerabilities